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Solving by Communicating

How to enroll in simulation course with chamberlain academy.png
Loaner Laptop Use Tips.png

A recent lesson learned is that when using consistent themes or templates for documents, differentiation via color is essential for people to easily identify information available.

This plays heavily into my design philosophy going forward as it motivates me to utilize and create more vector content with the tools I have.

Connecting Laptop to Classroom For Hybrid Class.png
Atge Okta qr code.png
Cheap laptops with Kens seal of approval.png
How to Use the Owl Camera.png
Loaner Laptop Ipad Tips.png
Ultipro Timesheet Entry Instructions Diagram.png

A key feature learned early on in document creation and document template creation was that soft instruction via easy to follow click flows makes information easier to consume and internalize.  Overall ticket count related to documentation like the timesheet doc to the left have fallen to only be requests for the document rather hands-on assistance.

Wifi Login Page.gif

Working in IT, I've found that problems are better solved when people can easily access and follow documentation.  In this section are documents that were compiled utilizing existing assets while learning about what Canva can do.

Going forward with Doc design

The key strategy going forward will be to design and built document templates and learning how to build frames for Canva when the opportunity presents itself.  The purpose of these goals is two-fold.  First and foremost, the goal is to reduce the time per document while maintaining consistent themes of the documentation to promote differentiation between information subjects for already stressed target audiences.  Secondly is to reduce the number of clicks per document and conversely, reduce the stress load of creators like myself.

Promoting communication with flexible templates

The main thing that all of the above templates have in common is that they are all designed to be recolored when reused on future IT documentation within my field of work.  Since these are reusing assets used from Canva, they will not be contributed as my own contributions but rather only reused for my line of work as an IT professional until a more fitting template is made for my IT work.

Assets built for the Nursing tech niche

IV Bag Frame and Graphic_edited.jpg
Blood Drive Template - IV Bag Test.png
Microsoft Office for Students.png

The biggest unfilled niche that I've found with Canva has been a lack of assets that could be used in nursing or healthcare related documentation for training or reference.  Granted, these are not the same model bags that are used where I work, but the goal is to communicate the concept to stressed out students.

Fun stuff made for fliers and signs

Generic Smartphone Camera Frame(1).png
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